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The Lion's Roar - Passion for Kaz-shion.

Passion for Kaz-shion

Issue No.7 : Kul Tiran fashion!

Kazia is always looking for more models - if you want a chance to be featured in the Kaz-Shion magazine then contact us!.
Photo:Cassindra Bentley

Model: Kiss

By the tides! Someone seems extra happy with their new outfit, proper Kul Tiran with that lovely woolen kilt,stylish yet practical in this cold weather. For those who are wondering this is Kiss, owner of the Golden Emporium, a perfume and jewelry shop in Upton Borough. Of course all the jewelry you’ll find in this image, belong to this same shop. From now on KAZ-SHION magazine will be sold in the Golden Emporium shops,apart from the other usual spots!! Clothing can all be found in “Sabrina’s clothing”, a shop situated just by the “The Barrel & Crate” bar in Upton


Shirt: White class- 40 silvers
Vest: Sea’s waistcoat- 90 silvers
Kilt: Woolen kilt- 1 gold
Belt: Tides bell belt- 85 silvers
Boots: Oiled boots- 1 gold 40 silvers
Necklace: Diamond laced choker- 2 golds
Ring: Sapphire circlet- 3 golds

Photo:Kazia Hayworth

Model: Commodore Rackamore

By the looks it’s more than clear that Commodore John Rackamore is a pure Kul Tiran specimen. Given that this is the official uniform of his unit, and thus has been designed and produced on the island, I figured we could analyze the utility of this green attire he poses. Utility is zero if he’s supposed to be deployed on a ship, since well plated armour is useless and dangerous to wear, especially if you’re that size. For land? Green helps camouflage, but then again with that size it might be difficult…-I’ll stop analyzing military attires since it’s not my speciality. Rackamore! Everything is nicely combined and balanced in your exquisite uniform, you look GREAT.


If you wish to have this outfit for yourself, enlist for the admiralty and become a commodore.

Photo:Kazia Hayworth

Model: Minnow

This is Minnow! Obviously a nickname, her parents weren’t that cruel to call her like a fish, but hey this is how she’s known around the streets of Boralus. As a bartender, that belt with several pouches and slots comes in handy to take her tips and carry the tools to uncork your fresh and delicious poisons. This doesn't mean she can’t look great while she swings bottles and cleans counters right?. “Velvet Green” is her shop to go for casual clothes shopping, a shop located in Mariners Row just before you leave the city walls.


Shirt: Style Kyle- 50 silvers
Belt: Handy band- 70 silvers
Pants: Leather greyish legwraps- 85 silvers
Boots: Brown treads- 45 silvers
Earrings: Simple pearls- 45 silvers

Photo:Kazia Hayworth

Model: Rollo Carlton

We needed a captain in an issue with such a theme, and here he is,Captain Rollo Carlton!. I will spoil that there’ll be an issue where I’ll speak about what sailors usually wear and why, but with Rollo, we’ll introduce the topic since each of his pieces have been created or acquired through his own adventures and I got to write something here.


The blue leather coat: The leather not only keeps the wearer warm in any condition; it naturally dries much faster as liquids simply dribble off.
Hat: The tricorne hat, designed not just to look fashionable, but also to let water drain forwards and out to the sides so the bearer is not drenched themselves.
Boots: A sailor's boots are often designed for their post, which means that if one works at the upper decks, you can expect the soles to be coarse and tough, to keep the wearer steadfast on the deck even in pouring rain. On the other hand if one is working on the gun deck, those selfsame soles will be made of mere thick cotton or mackinaw, to simply assure that no misstep will spark stray gunpowder alight and make you and your crew go BOOM!

Photo:Cassindra Bentley

Model: Cassie Leigh

Classy and atemporal, that’s how I’d define Cassandra’s outfit from the winter collection of “Ahoy atelier!” A detail worth of notice would be that the dress, gloves and boots have been treated with oils to be rainproof yet the inside layer is covered in wool. What else can we ask for? Oh, of course, we can ask for jewelry to make this outfit a ten out of ten, and so we did adorning this beautiful woman with a ruby choker and matching ruby earrings from “The Golden Emporium”.


Dress: Kultiran pride- 2 golds 50 silvers
Blouse: Silk blouse- 1 gold 15 silvers
Belt: Bow-tie cordon- 90 silvers
Gloves: Green leather gloves- 95 silvers
Boots: Verdant boots- 85 silvers
Earrings: Small loops with rubies- 1 gold 70 silvers
Necklace: Ruby choker, silken lace- 2 golds 50 silvers
Brooch: Rubied anchor- 3 golds

Photo:Cassindra Bentley

Model: Thomas Carpenter

Casually as I strolled around Boralus for inspiration I ran into Thomas, and couldn’t help myself. He gladly posed for me and explained from where he buys his clothes, not only that, he also introduced me to the eldest shoemaker in Boralus who’s eighty five years old. The clothes belong to the local shop “Velvet Green”, except for the boots which were tailored for him by the local shoemaker named “Mister Ramsey”.


Hat: Blue tricorne- 75 silvers
Shirt: Bush shirt- 40 silvers
Belt: Stripped shash- 20 silvers
Pants: Kultiran leggings- 60 silvers
Boots by Mister Ramsey: 1 gold