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The Lion's Roar - Passion for Kaz-shion.

Passion for Kaz-shion

Issue No.6 : Kaz-shion: Hats and stories

Kazia is always looking for more models - if you want a chance to be featured in the Kaz-Shion magazine then contact us!.
Photo:Kazia Hayworth

Model: Angelica Black

One of the few women that can wear a hat with such grace...But most importantly one of the few that matches it with bright colours! I happen to find that most people wear hats, like somber tones, so I was gladly surprised when Angelica appeared in this self-made purple outfit. Let’s hear...The story of this zebra hat:

Angelica: I have a sailor’s past, I was once a privateer. This hat was aboard, and named for the reason I’ll soon explain “The drunk hat”...Yes, it was the hat people had to wear when they got drunk in the ship which led to them having to amuse the rest of the crew with jokes. It’s a token of those times, and it brings me many merry memories.

Photo:Kazia Hayworth

Model: Francis Rackham

I have the pleasure of presenting to all of you....The one that I’d give the first prize if this was a contest, the one I dare to crown as “The King of Hats”, Francis Rackham! When asked if there is a story about the head, he commented that he wears it for the sake of mysticism and incognito. He can move it around to show what he wants on his face, and even employ it to make greetings or farewells more formal. Besides he likes how it looks on him, and honestly I think most people could only agree on this!

Photo:Kazia Hayworth

Model: Jume and Lawrence

One hat man? Nah, two! Double the hat, double trouble. Jume and Lawrence wouldn’t stop dancing and posing for me, and I must say they made it hard for me to just pick one picture. So here it goes, two!...And the stories about their hats of course.

Photo:Kazia Hayworth

Model: Jume and Lawrence

Jume: A once borrowed a hat from a crazy ass woman, that threatened me with a frying pan if she didn't get it back. So I bought myself another one that looked the same.

Lawrence: When I was but a boy this guy gave me the hat, kept it ever since. I shed many clothes but kept the hat. Always felt nice to wear, and it will always be. For some odd reason folks have an obsession with removing hats, so I finally had an enchantress place a spell... an enchantment? Onto the hat securing it in place unless you know how to go through it. Best thing I like about the hat is when I make folks think there is no man, but only the hat that controls the man. It's great to see them freak out.

Photo:Kazia Hayworth

Model: Mazi

No my dear readers this is not a plushie! For those that have never seen one, this is a vulpera, her name is Mazi, and she’s a lovely fur ball that has a story to tell us about that red hat she wears.

Mazzi: I got the hat from a pretty smelly Kul Tiran. He was making fun of me, but I made my alpaca take a poo on his door. He was pretty mad, but then found that if he gave me something, I might let him be. He wanted to give me gold but I didn't want that,so he gave me this hat.