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The Lion's Roar - Passion for Kaz-shion.

Passion for Kaz-shion

Issue No.13 : Spooktacular Outfits!

Kazia is always looking for more models - if you want a chance to be featured in the Kaz-Shion magazine then contact us!.
Photo:Random passerby

Model: Jean, Kazia and Bella

After being a dead bride and Queen Azshara, as you guys can see in this issue’s cover, the Windrunner sisters happened. Many parties, many outfits... But I must admit this one was my favorite out of all the ones that I’ve worn this Hallow’s End season. In the picture down below you’ll see our outfits: Belaquinn Cotton, dressed as Vereesa Windrunner (right), Jeanneret Hart as Alleria Windrunner (left), and myself, Kazia Hayworth as the terrible Sylvanas Windrunner (middle).
Bella was responsible for this, it was her idea and it was a lovely one I’d say, she also crafted the elven cardboard ears! The inspiration mostly came from pictures and drawings we sought of each of them.
In general to craft these costumes, we visited second hand shops and cropped those parts to our liking. We added some leather scraps here and there to give the costumes more consistency and as you can already guess, tons of make-up!

Photo:Kazia Hayworth

Model: Susaku Ravenwind

That is not a real hogger, relax! This is Susaku, the winner of the second prize during the Spooktacular Fashion contest, hosted by Khari and that of course had myself as a judge.
I asked this hogger, from where did he get the idea for the costume and how it was made, this is what he has to tell us about it:
“I've always been fond of Hallow's End, for it's one of the few times that I get to be creative, and generally feel a bit more accepted.To be Hogger, is something I've always wanted to do, I've heard terrifying tales of the famous Gnoll, but yet, when I've seen pictures of him, I can't help but smile, he's also goofy. Thus I decided I thought it'd be the best. As for how I got this outfit? All you see before you, except for the haunch of dried jerky, is made by myself, with help of my friends at the Twin Tail Caravan. I've done a lot of smithy work before, so working on the axe, collar and the metalwork in general was rather easy. It was more difficult to work with the leathers, hence the Caravan pitched in.”

Can’t add much more to this guys...Only that I was in complete awe, loved the comic touch honestly.

Photo:Kazia Hayworth

Model: Derenly Winterdawn

Is it him, Kael'thas? No! It’s Derenly Winterdawn, in a self-crafted Hallow’s End costume with which he partook in the same contest as Susaku. I know, he really looks similar to the actual prince, but it’s just lovely work and lots of effort put into this creative look that is quite realistic thanks to the make-up work. Keep reading if you want to know more about the outfit!
“I found this idea interesting, given how Kael'thas went from the great saviour of my people to one of our greatest betrayers... seemed a suitably imposing subject. As for the costume, my sister helped with a few of the pieces, particularly the pauldrons and the headpiece. The robe started life as a pair of parlour curtains.”

I love when people recycle objects and turn them into something so cool as this costume. Don’t throw your old clothes guys, get creative and mail me a picture of your creations to be featured in the magazine!

Photo:Kazia Hayworth

Model: Adrienne Autumsky and Willhelm Forson

The cutest couple of that contest deserved their space here too. These are Adrienne and Willhelm, the siren and her charmed sailor.

Adrienne was the designer and creator of both costumes, they were made with much love seeking to have a great night and partake in the contest too.
Their performance during the show was quite theatric, lovely to watch how she walked down the stairs singing quite nicely, the sailor incapable of not falling under her spell following her was very cute. Following, Adrienne and Will explain how they put this together.
Adrienne: “We were throwing a few ideas together on what we want to dress as. At some point we came up with the idea of a naga couple. But well, simply put, dressing up as naga is probably not feasible or simple to accomplish within a few days. This is a dress that I've had for a while, but I had barely used it and I thought it quite fit for this costume. I added the seashells and such on my own, as well as the make up!”
Willhelm: “For mine, I had to pull a few favours back home, and then went diving for the seaweed. The barnacles are just starch and water. Let's say I'm happy it didn't start to rain.! My rapier is just a piece of wood, or well several nailed together and painted by me.”