The Lion's Roar is always looking for more hands, minds, ears and eyes. In other words, there is a lot of options here for various types of roleplay.
Senior Reporter:
Run your own stories, find them, research them, interview people, hunt down leads, hope the editor does not turn down his thumbs when it is done. This type of role requires some creativity. Build and maintain your network of sources and informants. This is by far the most demanding type of reporter.
An editor gives you a task, they tell you the story you need to do, they help with ideas for who to interview and what angle the story is planned to have. It can be as an article with your name on it, or as part of another reporter's article. This role requires a bit less, and is more compartmentalized. Can sometimes run their own stories as well.
Run your own column. Wether it is weekly horoscopes, aunty aunt columns, travel logs, book reviews or history lessons.
Reporter in training. Basically follow a reporter around, or an editor, and learn the trade as you go along. Less responsibility and an opportunity to meet people.
Freelance writer:
All on your own, possibly getting a theme or an idea from an editor and then you run with it. On your own time, when you want, as often as you want.
Follow a reporter around on their tasks as requested and take snapshops. Having some editing skills OOCly is a benefit here as your screenshots will be used for articles.
Source/Informant/Media Person:
Tip the paper when something interesting happens in your organisation (guild/community) - this can be anything from pre-made press releases to insider information. Keep in mind such activities can have consequences for your membership of your organisation/guild/community if this is done in secrecy.